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Health insurance in Germany:
Easy and affordable

Barmer – Your gateway to german healthcare

How does health insurance in Germany work?

  • Health insurance in Germany is mandatory for everyone and offers you highest quality healthcare
  • As an employee, your contribution rate is a modest percentage of your income, directly deducted from your salary. Students pay a reasonable monthly rate.
  • Get peace of mind and focus on what matters most – your life and well-being.

Signing up takes just a few minutes. No German required.

Sign up now

BARMER-App Screenshot der Appstartseite

Discover your benefits

Happy multiracial family playing with airplanes toys at home
Full medical cover for you and your family
With Barmer you fully benefit from the German public health insurance system. Even your kids and spouse are insured for free.
No payment needed when seeing a doctor
You don’t have to pay for the doctor. Expenses for necessary treatments are billed directly to Barmer if the doctor is part of the public health insurance system.
English support 24/7
Need help? Call at any time for our English Service Hotline.+49 202 568 333 060

Who can sign up for Barmer public health insurance?

Employees and trainees

Ready to take on the German job market? We will make sure you have a perfect start. Sign up now


Starting your education in Germany? We'll provide you with the necessary cover at a reduced cost. Sign up now


Are you self-employed? Self-employed people may also have the option of taking out health insurance with Barmer. Sign up for a free consultation

Not sure if we can cover you? Let's talk.

  • Full medical coverage for you and your family
    Including dental care, treatment by specialists, prescription medication, vaccinations as well as pregnancy and birth support.
  • Free preventive medical checkups
    For examinations and screenings, such as our free comprehensive “Check-up” for the early detection of health risks, disease and exposure.
  • Emergency cover when travelling the EU
    For necessary emergency treatments in the EU and EEA.
Eltern tragen ihre kleinen Kinder auf den Schultern.
  • Digital Doctor Finder tool
    Easily find a doctor who speaks English or any other language.
  • Digital sick note
    If you're sick, your doctor will automatically send your sick note to your employer, allowing you to concentrate on recovering.
  • Barmer App
    Collect bonus points, receive appointment reminders, schedule preventive check-ups, and much more. Currently available in German. English coming soon.
Ein Familienvater hält sein Handy in der Hand
  • €200 extra budget for expectant parents
    To spend on services like additional baby tests, dental cleaning, osteopathy or midwife on-call service.
  • Rewards up to €150
    Earn points and receive instant cash rewards for using fitness apps, health courses, sports clubs, gyms, children's courses, or getting preventive check-ups.
  • Free online courses
    Become fitter and healthier Whenever and wherever you want with the online courses from CyberHealth.
Eine Frau steht im Wohnzimmer auf einer Matte und macht eine Yogaübung.

3 simple steps to sign up

Fill out the application form.

We take care of the bureaucracy.

That's it. Welcome to Barmer.

Sign up now

FAQ – Frequently asked questions about Barmer

Cover and treatments

Join Barmer

See a doctor

The electronic health insurance card

Everybody who has public health insurance in Germany receives such a card: The electronic health insurance card. This card is personalized. It includes your name and your health insurance provider – for example Barmer.

Need more help?

For further information simply call our English Service Hotline on 0800 333 0060* (and +49 202 568 333 0060* from abroad). Or write us an email.

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