Questions regarding the website

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We endeavor constantly to maintain our website in keeping with state-of-the-art technology, and to win over visitors with a modern and user-friendly web design. Here you will find tips and pointers in this regard.

Here you can learn more about:

Barmer, in addition to providing you with care, has also given itself the social task of making health-relevant information and services accessible to all members and interested groups. To that end, we have given our web pages an accessible design, so that people with varying degrees of ability and with different computer equipment and system settings can access the Barmer website. Some examples:

  • The web pages are not set to a fixed screen size but are instead freely scalable. As a result, you always see the content with the optimal settings for your screen.

  • You can adjust the text size personally. To do so, use the buttons in the right-hand column, under "Help".
  • Images, abbreviations, and links feature explanatory texts.
  • You can also use our website without a mouse, using only the tab key and other key combinations.

Which browser and which settings guarantee an optimal display of the site?

In order to offer you the highest level of security when sharing data, our exclusive member services and other relevant pages are encrypted in accordance with current security standards. Some older browser versions are therefore no longer supported. If the website does not display correctly, please update your browser. Free updates can be downloaded from the developers' sites.

Chrome (Google Inc)

Internet Explorer (Microsoft Corporation)

Firefox (Mozilla Corporation )

Opera (Opera Software ASA)

Safari (Apple Computer, Incorporated)

What resolution should my monitor be set to?

As a general rule, the Barmer website is designed so that the relevant content will be displayed regardless of your screen resolution. You can achieve the optimal display conditions with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

Why do I have to allow cookies?

Our use of cookies enables us to offer exclusive member services. For that reason, we ask that you please configure your browser to accept cookies. For more detailed information on the function and use of cookies, please also read our Online Data-Protection Notice.

The Barmer webcodes are intended to make it easier for you to access the Internet content referred to in our printed information products - without you having to type out a long web address.

Articles in our member magazine or in our service brochures are accompanied by a webcode if our webpages provide additional or more detailed information on the topic.

Simply enter the 6-digit number in the search field of the german site.

If you want to get to the content even faster, you can also enter the webcode in your browser's address bar. For example, if you want more information on the additional benefits provided by Barmer, you can simply enter the address in your browser and you will immediately be taken to the desired content.

Download Adobe Reader

Some of our forms can be pre-filled with your data for your convenience and then printed out. You will need Adobe Reader for the correct display of forms such as the certificate of health insurance for abroad. You can download this programm for free at the developer's website: Adobe Reader DC.

Saving PDF documents

The certificate of insurance for abroad and other PDF documents can be saved on your computer. If you have difficulty doing so, there may be security settings in your browser that prevent encrypted pages from being saved on the hard disk. Please deactivate this function.