Bis zu 900 Euro Geld zurück
It pays to be healthy

Our cashback tariffs

Do you only rarely see your doctor except for check-ups and screenings? Then you can get up to €1,350 back over the full 3-year term with our S/M/L tariffs.

Choose the plan that fits you and your living situation best. Whatever your decision, you keep your full insurance coverage and all of your benefits with Barmer.

Your new money-back rate could soon be here!

S tariff

A woman relaxing lying down

Up to 600 euro cashback in 3 years

Up to 200 euro cashback each year

Max. 40 euro additional payment

Independent of income

3 years term

M tariff

A woman packs her suitcase for the next trip.

Up to 900 euro cashback in 3 years

Up to 300 euro cashback each year

Max. 120 euro additional payment

From an annual income of €18,650 (gross)

3 years term

L tariff

A man comes out of the sea carrying his surfboard

Up to 1,350 euro cashback in 3 years

Up to 450 euro cashback each year

Max. 200 euro additional payment

From an annual income of €62,100 (gross)

3 years term