From 2025 onwards
Electronic patient records for everyone

The electronic patient record explained

The electronic patient record, also known as the ePA, is your digital folder for storing medical documents. This means that important up-to-date information is immediately available: an essential foundation for easy, safe and fast medical treatment.

The most important facts at a glance

When will the electronic patient record (ePA) be available?

You as well as all other people with statutory health insurance will receive an electronic patient record from 15 January 2025. It will be created automatically for you – and you will be able to access your ePA from the end of February. The use of the ePA is voluntary.

What exactly is stored in the electronic patient record?

Your electronic patient record contains the most important medical documents, such as laboratory results, doctor's letters and hospital reports. This gives medical facilities an immediate and complete overview of your treatment history.

Who can view my data?

You decide who has access to your electronic patient record. When you insert your e-health card into the card reader at the medical practice, you authorize the corresponding medical practice or clinic to access your data – without a PIN. If you do not want this, inform the medical practice when you arrive. Use the Barmer eCare-App to view your data yourself.

Frequently asked questions

We have provided you with information on the electronic patient record in a separate article (in German) on the ePA in accordance with Section 343 of the German Social Code, Book 5 (SGB V).